Studies and Research

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Key Studies - Sibelius Sage™

The effect of Sibelius Sage™ on the cognitive function of older healthy individuals was investigated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, balanced, crossover study.

The acute effects of Sibelius Sage ™ on cognitive performance (either 167 or 333 mg input) in 20 healthy adults aged between 65-90 years of age. The study looked at secondary and working memory as well as aspects of attention using a Cognitive Drug Research computerized assessment. It was found that Sibelius sage™ extract can improve cognitive function in healthy older people.

The main effect authors saw dose-specific improvement in secondary memory performance for the 333 mg dose. Accuracy of attention also showed significant improvement when compared to placebo, as did working memory.

Salvia officinalis in healthy young adults
In a double blind, placebo constrolled cross over study, 30 healthy participants (ranging in age from 20 years to 29 years) were given a Salvia officinalis extract or placebo and tested for stress, mathematical processing, word processing, response time and memory as well as mood. Improved mood and cognitive performance were noted after single dose administration at 300mg.
Other studies of interest:
In 2010, a clinical study of Salvia officinalis and Salvia lavandulifolia essential oil investigated the effect on cognition and mood in 135 healthy adults. The S. officinalis group performed significantly better than the S. lavandulifolia and control groups on the quality of memory, specifically long-term or secondary memory with no impact on working memory performance.

A 2005 placebo-controlled, double-blind, balanced, crossover study investigating the effect of sage on mood and cognition in 24 healthy young volunteers (18-37 years old) found that both 25ml and 50ml a standardized essential oil produced improvement in speed of memory, alertness, calmness and contentedness when compared to placebo. Doses were given 4 times, 7 days apart.

References available on request